Friday, July 31, 2009

Who's On First?: Hyperbole or Not?

My Fellow Comedists,

Let's put up the Comedist post a little early this week since we're on a roll of baseball questions. Showed the short people "who's on first" and, of course, they loved it. They've asked to see it five more times since. When I showed them the first time, I prefaced it by saying that it was the greatest sketch in comedy history. A fair claim or hyperbole?

What other sketches would make the top ten?

My suggestions (in no order): Groucho and Harpo's mirror scene from Animal Crackers, Chaplain's dance of the dinner rolls in Gold Rush, the ministry of silly walks, Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner's 2000 year old man, Lucy's vitameatavegemin, Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze Chippendale dance-off, Sid Ceasar's argument to Beethoven's fifth, Ernie Kovac's Nairobi trio, Dave Chapelle's Racial Draft.


Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve